
Client-side validation of a control inside ASP.NET UserControl

I have created my ASP.NET UserControl which has a asp:DropDownList inside.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlExamYear" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>

In a webpage, I add this UserControl to the page and also a RequiredFieldValidator to validate the control at page-level.

Actually, I can put the validation inside the control itself, but to make it flexible and general enough to use elsewhere, I decided to move the validation to the page-level instead.

However, at first I use this markup to validate the control:

<uncc:ExamYearDropdown ID="ddlExamYear" Width="100" runat="server"></uncc:ExamYearDropdown>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="ReqExamYear" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddlExamYear"
    Display="None" ErrorMessage="Please select Exam Year"

But no error message shown after the validation is called.

After debugging the javascript for the validation, ControlToValidate property generate the wrong element ID of the control, “dnn_ctr433_ManageLCELoader_ctl00_ddlExamYear“. The ID seems to be the wrapper of the usercontrol not the dropdown inside which has ID “dnn_ctr433_ManageLCELoader_ctl00_ddlExamYear_ddlExamYear“.

To make the validator access the child control inside the usercontrol is

“To add $ after the usercontrol ID and follow by the child control ID”

<uncc:ExamYearDropdown ID="ddlExamYear" Width="100" runat="server"></uncc:ExamYearDropdown>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="ReqExamYear" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddlExamYear$ddlExamYear"
    Display="None" ErrorMessage="Please select Exam Year"


A strand of hair before the eye obscures whole mountains


Reference: Answer from Sjoerd in

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